Category: Tots

Transform Tots

Transform Tots is our parents and toddler group that runs every Monday morning, 10am-11.30am. Term time.
Suggested donation of £2 per family.

Come along with your little ones for a morning of play, crafts, story and song.

All families will be given the warmest welcome! And not to forget the endless supply of coffee and toast.

If you would like more information, please contact Sophie (Kids and Family Worker)

Transform Tots Praise

Tots Praise is a wonderful group for little ones and their parents to get together to learn more about Jesus through play, song, story and craft.

Tots praise runs along side our 11am service on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunday of the month in St Pauls Church Hall.

Head over to the hall where you will find a warm welcome.

Juice and snack are provided at each session.

Please contact Sophie Sharples or Sharon Roberts for more details.