Category: Community Outreaches


OASIS is about building friendships that tackle isolation so people can experience love and feel part of our church community.

OASIS meets at St John’s Church on Wednesday’s for drinks, biscuits, conversation and sharing in the Lord’s Supper.

OASIS is open to anyone who wants to drop in. It gives people who come a chance to connect with others so they feel supported and less alone. And it’s a safe place to share some of life’s struggles.

Where:St John’s Church, Greenway Road, Widnes
When: Wednesday’s 10.30 – 12.30am

For more information please contact

Transform Minds

Transform Minds is a mental health project offering a range of support through which we hope people will feel free to explore unhelpful attitudes, beliefs and practices and begin to live with resilience and hope.  We currently offer:

An initial 6 sessions of 1 to 1 counselling.

A weekly counselling group offering mutual support while a counsellor introduces helpful strategies and techniques where appropriate.

Financial support to access other forms of counselling beyond our current counsellor’s expertise e.g. child, family based, etc.

Training for all our volunteers in aspects of mental health.


To apply for counselling, either individual, group or both, then please click here.

To find out more or to get involved as a counsellor then please contact

Transform Garden Project

Our aim is to grow a community that grows a garden that improves the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of our group, our church and our wider community.


Our aim is to grow a tonne of healthy fruit and vegetables year on year in a sustainable and affordable way, to feed those in need in our community.


Our aim is to grow a team of gardeners by learning together a little of the science, art and craft of gardening. We hope this inspires both us and others to create our own growing spaces, small and large, to provide for our own families and communities.


Our aim is to grow a community and create a nurturing space for healing and spiritual growth for its gardeners, visitors and users

For more information please contact

Connect Cafe

Connect Cafe is all about building life-giving friendships that tackle isolation so people can experience love and feel part of a church community.

Connect Cafe meets in St Paul’s Church on a Friday for drinks, cake, conversation, a short talk and other one off activities. Connect Cafe is all about connecting people together so that they feel supported and less alone and is a safe space to share some of life’s struggles. Anyone is welcome to drop in and find a listening ear.

Where: St Paul’s Church
When: Fridays, 10.30 – 12.30pm
Cost: We suggest a donation of £1

To find out more please contact

Long Loaf

Long Loaf is a community, which based around food, longs to work together to see each uniquely created individual flourish in all aspects of their life.

We meet on a Wednesday for a cooked lunch, a short ‘thought for the day’ and then discussions around tables. All sorts of people join us at Long Loaf and all sorts of friendships and connections are built as we seek to support each other and care for the more vulnerable in our community.

Where: St Paul’s Church Hall
When: Wednesdays, 12-1pm
Cost: We suggest a donation of £2 but payment is not required to get fed!

To join our amazing cooking team then they meet at 9am and are always open to new volunteers. There will be some paperwork to fill in and food hygiene training to do but it’s a fun way to make new friends while learning some very useful cooking skills. To find out more then please contact